The Airport’s minimum standards are aimed at setting threshold entry requirements for service providers in the field of aeronautics. These standards ensure a baseline for qualifications, levels of service, facilities, and insurance.
Nationwide Practice
Such standards are common practice at many airports across the United States and receive endorsement from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Specifics to Tupelo Regional Airport
These standards have been crafted taking into account:
- The role Tupelo Regional Airport plays in aviation
- The existing facilities
- The services currently being offered
- Future development and aviation services planned for the airport
Guidelines for Prospective Providers
The prospective service provider must meet the following minimum criteria:
- Levels of Service
- Facilities
- Staffing
- Insurance
- Environmental Compliance
Public Interest
The uniform application of these standards serves the public by:
- Discouraging substandard entrepreneurs
- Mandating minimum insurance coverage levels
- Protecting the airport, its patrons, and established aeronautical activities
Ownership and Operation
Tupelo Airport Authority (the Authority) owns and operates Tupelo Regional Airport in Tupelo, Mississippi.
FAA Requirements
As specified by the FAA’s Airport Sponsor Assurances, airports developed with Federal grants must operate for the public benefit and offer fair and reasonable terms for all aeronautical activities, devoid of unjust discrimination.
Federal Funding
The Authority receives Federal airport development funding.
Rates and Fees Policy
- Purpose: To assist the Authority in maintaining compliance with Airport Sponsor Assurances, thereby securing future Federal funding.
- Additional Objectives: To compete fairly with other airports and to maintain fiscal responsibility and oversight over assets entrusted to the Authority by the residents of the State of Mississippi.